Zero Trust Maturity Assessment

Risk Evaluation | Consultancy | GRC Integration

Barrier’s Zero Trust Maturity Assessment (ZTMA)

 In an interconnected digital world, traditional security perimeters are dissolving. Trusting devices or users just because they're inside your network is no longer viable. Where does your organisation stand in its journey to embrace a Zero Trust philosophy?

 Zero Trust shifts organisations from a reactive to a proactive security stance by comprehensively identifying and prioritising key protect surfaces, ensuring that defences are strategically tailored and adapted to address the most significant threats.

Don't let legacy trust models jeopardise your security. Barrier's Zero Trust Maturity Assessment pinpoints your organisation's position in the Zero Trust journey, allowing you to proactively fortify your defences and stay focused on your core operations.

Barrier's Approach to Zero Trust:


At Barrier, our commitment goes beyond mere consultancy. We empower organisations to discern and embrace their unique journey towards Zero Trust. By intertwining innovative solutions with tailored insights, we seek to foster business resilience, drive sustainable growth, and reinforce stakeholder confidence. Every organisation deserves a security framework that's both robust and adaptive. We're here to ensure yours is.


Barrier’s Zero Trust Solutions

Engaging with Barrier ensures you're not just adopting a trend but integrating a philosophy. With our seasoned professionals by your side, attain your Zero Trust objectives with confidence.

  • Zero Trust Risk Evaluation

    Our Zero Trust Maturity Assessments unearth and rank the pivotal cyber risks and key assets, equipping you to proactively counter threats and bolster your security infrastructure.

  • Zero Trust Consultancy

    Benefit from our “Virtual Security Advisory” - a dedicated expert aiding in the formulation and execution of a holistic Zero Trust strategy.

  • GRC Integration

    Simplify compliance processes, optimise costs, and ensure your Zero Trust model is aligned with the best industry practices and standards.

What Barrier’s Zero Trust Maturity Assessment (ZTMA) Offers:

  • Diagnose Current Stance

    Gain a transparent view of your present Zero Trust posture, enabling informed decisions for risk management and resource allocation.

  • Craft a Cohesive Zero Trust Strategy

    Forge a dynamic and robust approach that stands resilient against evolving cyber threats and business paradigms.

  • Cultivate a Zero Trust Culture

    Minimise the human error factor by instilling a deep-rooted awareness and understanding of Zero Trust principles as an operating model.

Book a free consultation with our ZTMA expert.