Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Unmatched Scan Engine | Granular Scan Control | Pre-Production Scanning | Web App & API Scanning

Identify and eliminate all potential security weaknesses in your web application.

Stay One Step Ahead in the Ever-Evolving Web Landscape

In today’s constantly evolving threat landscape, DAST is essential for businesses to maintain the security of their web applications and protect sensitive data. DAST provides continuous monitoring and assessment of a web application's security posture, ensuring that new and emerging threats are identified and addressed in a timely manner. With DAST, vulnerabilities can be quickly identified and remediated, reducing the risk of a successful attack. By implementing DAST, businesses can improve their overall security posture and avoid costly security incidents.

55% of developers employ dynamic application security testing (DAST) scans (up 11% from last year)

At Barrier, we help organisations implement a comprehensive and robust DAST designed to secure web applications in production environments with support for over 100 languages and frameworks. Our DAST uses advanced technologies and continuous monitoring to identify and highlight potential security vulnerabilities, including those that attackers may try to exploit. Our DAST solutions alert relevant teams of discovered vulnerabilities in real-time, allowing for prompt remediation. With our DAST solution, businesses can confidently secure their web applications and protect against potential security incidents.


Barrier’s DAST Features

Driven by security solutions expertise and enterprise experience

  • Unmatched Scan Engine

    A cloud-based engine that continuously enhances its scanning and auditing capabilities, providing a constantly evolving solution for improved security and vulnerability detection.

  • Web App & API Scanning

    A specifically designed interface for scanning web applications and APIs, allowing you to easily review the results in conjunction with other scan outputs for a comprehensive understanding of your security posture.

  • Granular Scan Control

    The scan parameters are highly customisable, with options like limiting the number of browsers used and supporting authentication methods. This allows for more efficient and secure scans that can be tailored to meet specific needs and requirements.

  • Monitor Risk Across Your Stack

    Conduct scans on both public and private servers, cloud systems, websites, and endpoint devices using advanced scanning technology. Identify vulnerabilities such as improper configurations, unpatched software, encryption flaws, and application flaws, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, OWASP top 10, and more.

  • Pre-Production Scanning

    Scan application and API behind the firewall in staging or pre-production. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of potential vulnerabilities and security risks in a controlled environment before deploying to a live environment, helping to ensure the integrity and safety of the final product.

  • Reporting & Automated Ticketing

    A centralised reporting system that seamlessly integrates with widely used ticketing systems, enabling users to access all of their reports in one location. This eliminates the need to switch between multiple systems and ensures that all information is easily accessible in a single, unified view.

Barrier’s DAST Solutions Benefits & Advantages

  • Early detection of security vulnerabilities.

  • Coverage of multiple applications, including web, mobile and APIs.

  • Realistic simulation of cyberattacks.

  • Integration into the development cycle.

  • Cost-effective solution for enhancing security.

  • Non-disruptive testing process.

  • Streamlined and automated scanning.

  • Improved overall security posture.

  • Compliance with industry regulations and standards.

  • Quick resolution of vulnerabilities.

Why Barrier

Your Trusted Partner for Cybersecurity

We help businesses proactively identify and address potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. We are always updating our DAST solution with the latest technologies and best practices, so you can trust that you're receiving the most effective protection possible. Furthermore, our DAST solution is designed to be non-disruptive, cost-effective, and compliant with industry regulations and standards, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

  • Expert level understanding of DevSecOps, Shift Left approach, and DAST.

  • Experience in providing DAST solutions in highly regulated environments.

  • Profound understanding of technology, people, culture, and process.

  • Tailored DAST solution approach for your organisation to accelerate DevSecOps.

  • Ability to deliver quick and effective results for your business.

  • Encouraging and promoting strong governance attitudes and behaviours.

  • Advice on best practices, compliance frameworks and standards for local and global regulations.

  • 24/7 Technical Support.

Book a free consultation with our DAST specialist.